Transition Smoothly

Has your Personal Assistant resigned? In today’s labour market shortage, this may feel like the end of the world, but it does not have to be that way.

Because we help you find and hire your world-class Top Personal Assistant within 2-4 weeks upon assignment. Against a success rate of 100% and a retention rate of 75% > 4 years.

Please find below professional advice on how to respond constructively and professionally on your PA’s resignation. Enabling everyone to proceed in the most positive way.

And of course, could you use professional help in screening, finding and hiring your next-gen Top Personal Assistant in a sustainable manner? 

Let’s talk!

Your investment for success. Through attention, focus and quality.



Are you a CEO, Business Leader or Executive Board Member? How do you handle your PA’s resignation? So that everyone is able to proceed in the most positive way?

Please find below some recommendations.

  1. If the news surprises you, feel free to show your surprise or say something along the lines of ‘I didn’t expect that’. The last thing you want is an impulsive response that you may regret later.


  2. Show your support and express your genuine interest in their reason for resigning and pursuing another choice or career step. And make sure it becomes clear what your Personal Assistant needs from you -and what you need from your Personal Assistant- before they leave the organization. So that you are able to ensure a smooth transition.


  3. Contact Smeenk’s Top Personal Assistants. Smeenk’s Top Personal Assistants is the only headhunter for the new generation of world-class Top Personal Assistants in the Netherlands. We focus all of our efforts on finding your right world-class Top Personal Assistants, so you can focus on your areas of expertise and on achieving sustainable corporate results. Exceptionally agile and with impact. Because we believe that attention, focus and quality are prerequisites for sustained corporate success.

It will be our pleasure to use our passion, expertise and our network for your benefit.

Let’s talk!



© Smeenk’s Top Personal Assistants.

Smooth Transition within 2 to 4 weeks via Smeenk's Top Personal Assistants
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Best regards,

Assisting excellent leadership. Through attention, focus and quality.