Personalization is the Magic Word

“A top personal assistant allows the executive’s day to run smoothly.”

Asré Kamphuis
Asré Support and Coaching

We are headhunter for A+ Personal Assistants. We believe it is important to invest in our client’s and our candidate’s success. In their mutual sustainable success. To this end, we partner with passionate professionals from various disciplines. Including since 2009: Asré Kamphuis of Asré Support and Coaching. 

Personalization is our magic word.

Find out why, below.

We wish you great inspiration. And of course, it will be our pleasure helping you achieve truly remarkable and sustainable results as well.

Your investment for success. Through attention, focus and quality.


“A good PA allows an executive’s day to run smoothly and enables them to focus on their core business and excel,” says Asré Kamphuis. “The exact responsibilities always depend on the respective executive and organization. The ideal role of personal assistant is therefore a personalized role.”


   Business and sparring partner

“The activities of a personal assistant are changing rapidly”, Asré observes. “This is partly caused by digitization. The need for substance has also increased. In addition to offering operational support, personal assistants are increasingly becoming a first-class business & sparring partner. And are asked to think along and to tackle in-house projects. Of course, this depends on the organization’s needs and the space they receive from their executive. Therefore, the magic word is personalization: personal assistants always tailor their activities to their respective executive’s and organization’s needs.”

   The right person

It is precisely because a personal assistant offers tailor-made support and assistance that the personal approach of Smeenk’s Personal Assistants works so well, says Asré. “Maartje finds the right personal assistants for each individual executive board member in a professional and energetic manner. So that the right person ends up in the right place. When in need, I call Maartje. She is a specialist in our role and always delivers, first-class.”


Asré also believes that it is important that personal assistants receive the opportunity for further professional development. “Sometimes I encounter personal assistants whose personal development has come to a stand still, due to their everyday’s work hectic and dynamics. It is important that personal assistants continue to receive the opportunity and space to develop and to follow training. Not only to stay well-informed of latest trends and developments, but also for the benefit of their respective executive and organization. 

   A personal assistant can have more to offer

A personal assistant can have more to offer than an executive may think. I often notice that personal assistants receive little to no coaching, while it may be necessary for them in order to be able to continue to offer the best possible support and in the most efficient manner, while maintaining job satisfaction and self-confidence. So, give personal assistants the space and opportunity to show and continue to develop their strengths and qualities. For their benefit and that of their respective executive and organization. A personal assistant almost always has more to offer than an executive may think possible.”

“Personalization is the magic word.”

Interviewee: Asré Kamphuis, owner of Asré Support and Coaching.

Copywriter: Silvia Kooij:

A+ Executive Support Smeenk's Personal Assistants
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With distinguished regards,
SMEENK'S Top Personal Assistants
Assisting Excellent Leadership. Through Attention, Focus, and Quality.