Assisting Excellent Leadership:
Anne-Marie Simon

Interview Anne-Marie Simon for Smeenk's Top Personal Assistants

Assisting Excellent Leadership: Anne-Marie Simon

“As a top PA, you participate in content-related processes.”

Last year, Anne-Marie Simon joined Royal Cosun UA in NL-Breda as next-level personal assistant to Hans Meeuwis, chairman of the executive board, through SMEENK’S Top Personal Assistants.

With over 5,000 employees worldwide, 11,000 growers, 8,400 members, 23,000 partners, 7 business groups, and 26 production locations, Royal Cosun has long been a part of the international top tier of agri-food cooperatives.

With admiration and respect for this ‘Leading PA-Lady,’ we would like to spotlight her below. While inspiring you at the same time.

And of course, if you are the chairman of the executive board, CEO or a business leader? And are you seeking to collaborate with your ideal next-level top PA -a professional who significantly contributes to realizing your ambitions and purpose of your organization? In an exceptionally agile and impactful manner?

"In order to achieve goals optimally, it is imperative to work proactively, with agility, and meticulous attention to detail. The swift and clear acquisition of information is essential, achievable only through an open dialogue."


Business and strategic partner

In recent years, the role of a top personal assistant has evolved into a business partnership, a transformation well-onderstood by Anne-Marie Simon. As the personal assistant to Hans Meeuwis, chairman of the executive board at Royal Cosun UA, Anne-Marie functions as his business and strategic partner, emphasizing the critical importance of effective communication in this capacity.

“Today, a top personal assistant is deeply involved in substanative processes. They proactively anticipate issues with the management team, collaboratively prepare solutions as a cohesive team, and additionally, they contribute insights on suitability when filling positions, particularly during the search process.”

Interview Anne-Marie Simon for Smeenk's Top Personal Assistants
Interview Anne-Marie Simon for Smeenk's Top Personal Assistants

The driving force behind success

Your next-level top personal assistant

Anne-Marie precisely understands what distinguishes a next-level top personal assistant. “Communication is key. In order to achieve goals optimally, it is imperative to work proactively, with agility, and meticulous attention to detail. The swift and clear acquisition of information is essential, achievable only through an open dialogue.”

“In addition, I emphasize on fostering connections. I rely on many individuals to enable Hans to function as the chairman of the executive board. By meeting all the necessary conditions, I ensure that Hans can be an effective and sustainable leader.”

Anne-Marie always keeps the shared goal in mind. In every collaboration, she places strong emphasis on the interpersonal component.

The driving force behind success

Genuine attention

Royal Cosun is in the midst of a strategic transition called ‘The Plant Positive Way: Unlock 25.’ This transition marks a shift towards intelligent and sustainable solutions, a concept aptly described by Anne-Marie as ‘The Perfect Storm.’

“There’s a significant ‘buzz of activity’; the work environment is exceptionally dynamic, and I find it invigorating. It feels like I’ve embarked on a moving train with 2025 as its destination.”

The culture at Royal Cosun UA contributes significantly to Anne-Marie’s enthusiasm. “In my work, I always want to feel engaged and that I’m making progress. That is certainly the case here. The motto at Royal Cosun is ‘work hard, play hard’, and individuals truly bring out the best in each other. The internal culture is fantastic: knowledgeable, passionate, and always with genuine attention to the customer.”

And to the employees! Hans once surprised me with a festive cake after successfully tackling a challenging task together. ‘Assistant’s Day’ brought a personal token of appreciation from him. But what’s particularly important is that I am here for him, and he is here for me.”

Anne-Marie Simon as business partner via Smeenk's Top Personal Assistants
Anne-Marie Simon presented by Smeenk's Top Personal Assistants

The driving force behind success

SMEENK'S! is way beyond

“The connection between Hans and Anne-Marie was established from their very first meeting. According to Anne-Marie, this is crucial for a pleasant and effective collaboration. “It is important that you can prioritize common goals, and for that, having good chemistry or a connection – essentially, being able to communicate optimally – is crucial.”

Anne-Marie also values the guidance provided by Maartje Smeenk during her executive PA-search procedure. “I have highly appreciated Maartje’s guidance. Her service and attention go ‘way beyond.’ To this day, she shows interest and, in certain cases, provides valuable insights. I find that exceptional.”

Interview: Lonneke Gillissen | Photo: Robert Aarts

Have you been inspired?

SMEENK'S Top Personal Assistants

Therefore, are you a chairman of the executive board, CEO, and/or a business leader? Are you looking for the way to significantly increase your focus on your expertise, and achieve lasting business results? Are you committed to realizing your ambitions and achieving your organization’s purpose in a sustainable manner? Exceptionally agile and impactful? Or are you that top personal assistant eager to start assisting corporate champions at the next level

Are YOU playing to win…?

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Dear CEO, Business Leader, or Chairman of the Executive Board,

Are you ready to elevate your leadership to new heights? ✨

We are here to help you amplify your impact and achieve sustained results—with agility and impact like never before. Let us know how we may assist you, and we will be delighted to connect with you soon.

With distinguished regards,
SMEENK'S Top Personal Assistants
Assisting Excellent Leadership. Through Attention, Focus, and Quality.