E x e c u t i v e   P A – s e a r c h   s p e c i a l i s t

Top Personal Assistants

SMEENK’S Top Personal Assistants is the only executive PA-search specialist for the new generation of world-class top personal assistants in the Netherlands. We focus all of our efforts on finding the right top personal assistants of the future for executive boards. So board members can focus on their areas of expertise and on achieving sustainable corporate results. Exceptionally agile and with impact. Because we believe that attention, focus and quality are prerequisites for sustained corporate success.

“It will be our pleasure to use our passion, our expertise and our network for your benefit!”

SMEENK’S. Assisting excellent leadership.

First-class Top Personal Assistant Chief Family Officer via Smeenk's Top Personal Assistants

Contact SMEENK’S Top Personal Assistants

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Contact SMEENK’S Top Personal Assistants


Assisting Excellent Leadership. Through Attention, Focus, And Quality.

Through 16 conference locations and online, always nearby. 

Contact Maartje C. Smeenk

Rijksweg 83
+31 (0)85 104 73 19
+31 (0)643 83 36 63

Main visitor location NL-Amsterdam, and surroundings
(by appointment only)
Herengracht 280

Registration no. Chamber of Commerce NL-Arnhem 09175437 |
VAT NL 001869393 B89 | IBAN NL90 ABNA 0127 1902 87 |

The 25 most beautiful quotes for Top Personal Assistants by Smeenk's Personal Assistants
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Dear CEO, Business Leader, or Chairman of the Executive Board,

Are you ready to elevate your leadership to new heights? ✨

We are here to help you amplify your impact and achieve sustained results—with agility and impact like never before. Let us know how we may assist you, and we will be delighted to connect with you soon.

With distinguished regards,
SMEENK'S Top Personal Assistants
Assisting Excellent Leadership. Through Attention, Focus, and Quality.